El Chévere - Official Web
- Astro
- Tailwind CSS
The Photo Studio El Chevere's official Website. Where it takes photos of babies, weddings, birthdays, outdoors, portraits, and events; taking your photos to the next level.
I am currently working as a free programmer, expanding the website and blog of this website, studying and getting deeper and deeper into the world of programming.
I was lead programmer and supporter in the creation of a private application to manage the inputs and outputs of a chicken farm called Granjas Viloria. The application was developed in Kotlin and had a record of invoices, their proper printing in PDF and a simple TODO. Due to privacy and the lack of publication in stores, the project cannot be shown at the momment.
I started web development from a programming class at the school where I was. From that moment on my life has revolved around web programming, Android applications and more.
The Photo Studio El Chevere's official Website. Where it takes photos of babies, weddings, birthdays, outdoors, portraits, and events; taking your photos to the next level.
A very prestigious place in the USA, where you can find the best hotels to stay as long as you want and have a spectacular vacation.
This is the mythical game of 'STOP!'. Made with realtime game experience and easy-to-play. Play Stop Trivia in you Android phone.
The oficial website for ANJOCC (Asociación Nacional de Jóvenes Candeleros de Cristo) from Dominican Republic, with an user loggin, registration form, Supabase DB and more...
Hey there! 🤗 Thanks for getting here! You can contact me by email by writing and sending your message bellow, but if you want you can contact me by Instagram or X.
I'm always available to collaborate and lend a hand on any project where the technologies I know are needed.